Leaver's Prom

2015 June

Created by sw02pat@gmail.com 8 years ago
Despite the surgery and the radiotherapy Patric was well enough to get to the Culcheth High Leaver's Prom in June 2015. He had a fantastic night. He arrived with his friends in a massive truck rig, music blaring and danced the night away. He needed three days to recover from his exertions.

His friends and teachers have all shared with us their own memories of that night on a number of occasions. Some of them are below:

"My long standing memory of Patric is from the Year 11 Prom.
His arrival in the huge truck that just about got up to Rivington through the trees. His smile for the many photographs. His friends that wanted the photographs with him. His moves on the dance floor as he partied the night away. This is how I will remember Patric."

"One of the most memorable nights of my life made so much better by Pat. Firstly he picked probably the best way to arrive there we could have. Also, throughout the night he was his usual bubbly and funny self and when the disco started he was completely in his element. Although i didnt join in, i could tell he was having a great time and so was
everyone around him."