Officially started to go out with Rhiannon

2013 May

Created by 8 years ago
This is how Rhiannon recalls Patric and her officially becoming boyfriend/ girlfriend:

In year 9 my friendship group was quite good
friends with Patric's group of friends. I accidentally let it slip one
lunch time that I had a crush on someone (I hadn't actually told anyone
even though it had been 2 years). That evening I went to see McFly live
with my friends and throughout the concert all of Patric's friends were
texting me and mithering me trying to get me to tell them who I liked (we
sound like such typical 13 year olds!!). So Tom Darnton literally wouldn't
leave me alone and I was trying to enjoy the concert so I suddenly snapped
and just told him and I made him promise not to tell anyone. But of course
by the next morning absolutely everyone knew, including Patric. The derby
was also the next day and I got a message off Patric asking if I had
watched the derby and he asked if I could talk to him at may day which was
on the Monday. So on Monday we spent the whole day together playing rugby
which was nice. And then a couple of days later on Friday 10th may 2013
before the morning bell in school he walked straight up to me and asked me
to be his girlfriend but I didn't say yes until the end of the day
because I really didn't know what to do and I now realise how horrible that
day must've been for him!! But I did say yes and that's how we became a